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Sunday 1 June 2014

Sit Down Saturday | Don't over-exert yourself!

A mistake that I've happened to have learned this week is to not over-exert yourself!
Since I was off this week from College, I thought it would be a good idea to work and get some bob for the summer. I thought it was going well until yesterday morning I woke up feeling dreadful. Sore throat, headaches, fevers. And still I went to work. I was the freak complaining that I was too cold in the steamy kitchen, Haa!
I worked 5 days throughout the week and unfortunately didn't take my 3 meals of the day or kept myself hydrated. I don't really like water, but tea is usually it's substitute. But this week I didn't have the time to even take care of myself. This morning, after not being able to sleep, I woke up at 6:30am (this is a girl who claims waking up at 10am is early!) I went down to the couch and watched an Irish movie, 'The Nephew'. Throughout the day I napped on the couch. Swallowing solids and fluids is so difficult on my throat., so I've been surviving on neurofen, Strepsils and Limpsip. I had a relaxing bath with a mud mask. My skin this week has been terrible. Stress really does not help the acne.

I over did it this week and so my immune system was not able to cope with my infection.
Challenging myself this way was foolish I admit. It's just all about reminding myself now to take my 3 meals a day.

Pushing ourselves won't do any good if we don't keep ourselves healthy.

I won't be over doing again anyway. Just knowing that I'm working tomorrow and haven't fully recovered really makes me feel bad with the decisions I've made throughout this week.

Why do you think we over do it? Is it our way of proving ourselves? Or are we looking for some sort of attention of our hard work?

I got complimented for my hard work this week and felt proud of it. But now, it seems so silly.

This was just something of which I was thinking about today. It just makes me feel bad knowing that I am letting myself over do it. I can't know whether it's punishment because in a way it feels like it. I'm told by friends and family to look after myself and they are all there to support me. Maybe next time I'm asked to cover someone at work I'll say 'NO!'. It's difficult to say but it HAS TO BE DONE! Otherwise I'll regret it at the end of the day.

Thanks for reading.

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