Tuesday 6 May 2014

My 1st Bloganniversary (5th May)

 "I want to thank my Mom, my dad, my pet rabbit Robert, the gardener-------" *Exaggerated crying with a microphone*

Well guys it's actually been a full year since I wrote my 1st blog. I can remember that day so well. My friend Edel had urged me to start one *real lame attempt of a cowgirl* and boooooy was she right!

Life has changed so much since last May. I was living in Galway, in the west of Ireland and I was in a course that was full of lads (nothing bad there every girl says). But since September I've been living in England in a class full of girls. Slight bit of a difference.

What do I enjoy most about blogging?
I have gotten on so well with many different bloggers from all over the world. Each having something about themselves that I can relate to. Lifestyle, beauty & fashion, even travel. I've taken my blog as a diary. I do write a journal but difference with a blog is people get to read it (scary somewhat)

Since September I've only been putting up posts that I know will suffice. But now it's been a year and I realise I have a lot to catch up on. I have two more assignments to finish. And hopefully I will REALLY PUSH MYSELF! To start some new exciting blog posts. My inspiration comes from the amazing bloggers I follow. I've seen their confidence soar and this gives me so much joy in how much they've accomplished with themselves.

What's next for 'The Giggles of Life'?

Well I've been thinking of some ideas, but please, any of you that do know me and have a sense in what interests I have, please let me know :)

Monthly favourites:
I had infact given this a chance last September but wasn't sure how confident I was with it. So maybe I'll be willing to give it another go.

Sit down Saturday:
This was only an idea I thought of a while back. Once a week, on a Saturday, I could just have a chat with you, on what's on my mind. It could relate to anything, life, fashion/media, movies, books, whatever it is I'll be looking for ideas on what to discuss.

Season style Album:
I LOVE fashion and beauty, so it only makes sense that I combine the two together and organise a post series with it. Each season I would give you a few examples into the outfits that I would wear.

Advice for new bloggers?
 - Relax and be yourself. Don't try to be like some blogger you idolise. You want people to relate to you not BE you!
- Keep to a consistent plan on when to publish your posts. Trust me on this. This is the only way on getting people to follow your blog. This allows them to know that you're not a waste of time, that you will write posts on a weekly/monthly basis.
- Add your original touch to it. You want your blog to be eye catching whether in the photos or in your writing style.
- Connect with others. This can easily be done with emails, twitter, instagram, pinterest, etc. It's a great way in advertising your blog and reaching out to people that you never expected to speak to. People that have the same interests you do or are going through similar difficulties that you are facing.

What I got up to
So on the day of my actual bloganniversay, it was a bank holiday so what best to do than to take a brisk walk in the sunshine.
I never knew there were little woodland pathways right beside where I live. So I have no reason to say no to jogging anymore. I dislike jogging with my headphones in, with being so close to the main road you see.
So from now I have a lovely quiet area to go to.

Today, I had a lovely morning with walking through the park, lighting a few candles in church, getting my free cappocino in Waitrose with a fruit salad and then meeting my lovely Peachy pal for some breakfast. We got ourselves some pastries to bring along with us to College. I myself chose a cinnamon danish twist, Mmmmm, tasty and well Peachy chose some paracetamol with her chocolate, hazelnut croissant, strange combo I must say.

I spent the day laughing mostly. Firstly, there was a fire alarm. I was packing away my things in the library, with the librarian telling me it wasn't a drill, Haahaa! I decided to leave my work (not fully finished yet, due in today) hoping that if there was a fire it would shrivel up and be gone forever. No need for the whole 'my fish ate my homework' excuse... fish, dog, whatever!
I then bought myself a little cupcake for my little special occasion on celebrating my 1st bloganniversary.

After legging it out with my friends from College, hiding from a certain tutor (not in the least way bothered to finish her work) I got home to organise some wonderful flights. Yes that's right Mauritius was simply not enough. What could be better than 3 weeks in Mauritius, I'll tell you, 22 hours in Dublin, along with 5 days in Edinburgh.

 These plans may sound silly/daft/WHAT THE HELL LIKE! but I just want to step on Ireland soil again and kiss the ground. So, silly plan being, on the 24th of June I will be going to Dublin, staying the night with my Dad in the Capitol, have my Mum, brother Aran and bestest pal Edel meet us the next day to go to the airport AGAIN! Reason being, that we will ALL be traveling to Edinburgh to visit by grand-parents, aunts and cousin. It will be 5 days of awesome and plus I get to practice my Scottish accent again.

I chose this silly way of getting to Edinburgh because the funny thing is, the plane ticket to Dublin and there, is cheaper than the train ticket from London.

What a year guys.
I hope that I have scared you a little with my weirdness. That way I make great friends.

Thank you all to everyone that has followed my blog up until now, I will try my best to keep you interested and entertained.

Love you all lots and lots like jelly tots,

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