Thursday 9 October 2014

Thankful Thursday | Vandalism, Friendly Support & Interviews!! (Not related with each other!)

Happy Thursday to you all,

The golden leaves have finally hit the ground. The gloves and woolly scarves are out of the press and farewell to sun-kissed, bare legs.

I have been buying the supplies in for winter (hibernation has begun!) such as boxes of various teas, warm jumpers and socks and don't forget bath must-haves. This season I want to feel and look natural. This means lip balms, simple jumpers, simply styled hair and moisturised hands. Who doesn't want to feel warm and soft!! Oooooh, like a snuggly teddy bear :)

Today I managed to pass an interview in M&S while being tested by role play. I upped my game on the role of St. Theresa, I was very patient indeed! "MAKE UP YOUR BLOODY MIND!"
Also I may have got lost in Ikea with a delicious hot dog, accidentally whammed the passenger door to the car beside me, the scratch wasn't at all noticeable *cough*, then ended the amazing day with a luxurious bath and scented candles.

My 'Thankful Thursday'

Flat shoes - they may not flatter us girls but who cares! Be mature enough to know you have no chance in surviving the day in them! Duh! Slippery pavements out there.

'Austrailia' - I may have stolen borrowed Dads Dvd. Well I showed him before heading into the airport, so he knows! God, Hugh Jackman has this power to make me smile! That's his true power!!

Quiet Library time - the smell of the classics and the sound of keyboards

Spending my Amazon gift card from my College

Getting a compliment from a stranger at the bus stop - makes anyone's day!

Lentils, rice and eggs - don't judge now. It actually tastes delicious

Being helped by a girl on line! - Before this interview at M&S, Anna from A whole lot of chitty chat really helped me out. She's very considerate and has been emailing me for two days now! Girl if you're reading, thank you for the support and for being there :)

Gingerbread latté & chocolate cookie while on twitter sitting in 'Costa' and watching people pass by

Happy to have a family that will walk through fire for me! #DaddysGirl

'Selfie' - just makes me laugh so much! - I was a little afraid to see Karen Gillan as an American (so used to her from Dr.Who) but she pulls it off effortlessly

'Gilmore Girls' have been there on my quiet days, when no one is around and I get to laugh while doing some chores

What have all of you been up to this week? Was there anyone that made you feel happy with yourself this week?

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