Saturday 13 September 2014

Sit Down Saturday | My Pre-blogging Life

I don't exactly stick to my posts routine as much as I should but I if I don't feel like writing anything, well I shouldn't feel pushed to do so.

I was thinking how before I started this blog, my life was a little different. There are both pros and cons to it. But overall I'm sticking to it. I feel happy to blog. And I feel happy meeting friendly, uplifting bloggers.

Cons on my pre-blogging life
I didn't travel to as many places and write about them - And when I did travel, I had nothing like a photo album to remember it by. I had my diaries but I find I get more emotions from a photo.

I didn't have the blogging friends I have today - I've met such amazing people with similar and different interests and hobbies. It's amazing how we can all help each other and give one another advice. If I want advice on fashion, I'll know who to go to. If I want help or advice on mental health and life, I'll know who to go to. If I want inspiration, I'll know who to go to. I don't have to be afraid to ask for help. The blogging community is there for us to connect and to be happy. I feel so happy when I press the 'publish' button. I feel relieved that I actually pushed my a** to do it!! And to not be afraid whether people will like it or not.

Pros on my pre-blogging life
I spent more time reading books - The blurb at the back of the book can only give you a fair idea of what the story entails, but you may spend days reading and becoming disappointed with its conclusion. However, with a blog, it takes minutes to read and the title along with its main picture is its blurb. I do enjoy to read in bed at night just for a hour or two (I usually fall to sleep from reading). So it usually takes me a few days to complete it. I'm far too busy to be reading books during the day. There's always someone needing me to do something.

Less time on the laptop - I didn't have to research on the laptop on fashion styles, or waste minutes of my life, catching up on my twitter and instagram, in doing so staying in contact with my followers. Most of the time why I go on these social medias is to get ideas on my blog and to catch up on my favourites. Instead of trying to be like everyone else, I find amazing women out there that are original in their own creative way, and that is what I idolise about them.

Are you happy with blogging? Is there anything that you miss about your pre-blogging life?
I do hope you all had a pleasant Saturday xx

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