Tuesday 12 August 2014

Summer Delights | Cakes, Mother-Daughter Days & Moonlight Jogging

I finally get to show you some of the chilled out times I've been having lately. Trips to the beach and lazy days in various cafes.

My Mum has made it her mission to go to the beach once a week. Even when it's a rainy, cloudy, cold, miserable day. Sometimes they're the best times to look at the ocean. Comfy in Aran wholly knitted jumpers.

Since it was a hot day, I myself got an iced tea (love the jar idea) and a BLT. Most people are disgusted by its taste. Mum made some strange choking noise when she sipped it. The waitress giggled, as though it wasn't her first time seeing this experience. I however love its taste, especially on a summers day.

From one of my previous posts on 'Shells Cafe in Strandhill' I mentioned the colanders that are used for lamp shades, so I took a sneaky picture for you guys. I would love this kind of idea for my kitchen. Mother dearest had the shrimp salad. The dish itself looked so colourful and tasty, so it was necessary for pictures.

Mum took a week off from work, just for the summer. She is a hardworking women. I never hear her complain. And for an Irish woman to NOT complain, that's pretty rare I tell ya!

We spent the week, shopping, eating enough cake in cafes, you know the real girly experiences (okay well, the cake was all me!) But living in England is hard without Mum. The only times we do argue are when Dad or my brother are involved. Mum is terrible for arguing though. She seems incapable of shouting (poor soul)

We sat in 'Esquires Cafe', a usual little spot we go to, for the comfy couches and of course their chocolate cake! Mum was glad to get her picture taken... as long as she looked at it long enough, nodding that it was okay to keep. "Oh Mother I have much worse pictures than this!" "WHAT?" "I'm joking, I'm joking!" I sure do love winding her up.

It was our first time in the new cafe 'Rogue & Co. Cafe' in our nearby town Roscommon.
It was nice to look at, sure, with its pretty, vintage furniture. But the prices on the menu, jeeze! Pretty damn expensive. We shared a baileys and toblarone cheesecake, which was scrumptious in taste and looks. And a milky latte to help it go down heehee.

'Time Pieces' is this antique shop of which I love. I have bought many gifts in here. And on this day I found a lovely writing set for Peachy. She'll be expecting a letter any day now.

And I couldn't go away with not showing you my new plate, cos that's how lame I really am! Getting all hyped up over home ware. This was purchased in an Irish store, 'Dunnes Stores'. I have plenty of mugs, tea cups and trays for my tea and snacks, but the idea of putting my cake on the cupcake! *Open mouth* 
"You gotta grow up" is often said in my parents house, heehee.

But this for me is a summer delight. Listening to the thundery weather (it's Ireland people, not California) with a snugly hoodie and quilt. And happily getting lost on You tube or through a favourite movie. Carrot cake was the chosen cake for the night.

Now many of you may think, this girl sure does love cake. I do! It's a piece of happiness that I have no shame in eating and taking pleasure in.

I make sure though that some of the calories are taken away. These past few nights, we've had unbelievable dry weather and the moon has been amazing for light. My preferred time to go jogging is at night, strangely (another summer delight). If I feel upset or need to clear my head, it's the best time for it. And the bonus part of it, is that I'm keeping fit. I love starring up at the stars. Smelling the cold air, reminding me of Christmas.

What are some of your summer delights? For you cake lovers, you are not alone! Heehee!

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