Friday 15 August 2014

Sit Down Saturday | Worries for new life in University

It's Saturday. Meaning I get to talk to you guys about what's on my mind. I'm trying my best to live in the present, but my mind wanders to the future. Full of excitement for University, new friends, new accommodation.

Finding a Saturday during the holidays to actually sit down and write this series is hard... really hard! Like right now, I'm in a pub writing this... A PUB! And yes all the auld fellas are at the bar telling tales about their younger selves and their greatest achievements such as winning the gold in the county Feis. The younger fellas are looking at me as though I'm crazy... *muttering* "Barely no mates!" Sadly I don't have my usual hot drink to accompany me with this post, but Cidona will have to suffice.

I'd like to just share with you guys about my worries for this coming year (and next). Some of you may understand these worries a young student faces.

I worry of my new (possibly) upcoming job for this fall. The idea of starting something new and messing up really frightens me. Mistakes are necessary they say, but I hate letting people down.

I'm afraid of starting University in April 2015 and knowing no one. Living in a city by myself for god knows how long. Because in all honesty I don't know when I'll be home next. I hope my accommodation is homely. I hope that I meet great people. I hope that I don't get too homesick. In London I'm living with my Aunt, Uncle & cousin so it isn't so bad. But there are good things to living in Kent next year, a new start. I'll be living by myself for the first time. I won't have a place to come home to every weekend like most students do. I won't have disruptions from my family fighting. And as well as, I'll have a beautiful city to explore. It will be an adventure.

I just hope to survive the rest of this year in London. It's wonderful, but living with people that don't see eye to eye isn't exactly a homely feeling to a house. There's no privacy or relaxation as well which doesn't exactly help.

If any of you have any advice I'd be delighted to hear it :)

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