Thursday, 13 February 2014

Thankful Thursday

This week guys was pretty hard to be feeling happy. What kept me smiling was having the people at the College. Even Tracy and Sybil the baristas in Starbucks kept my spirits up. "The usual Michaela?" Heehee

This #TBT is at Notre Dame in Paris back when I was 16 years old.

I have never been so tired and stressed out before. And it's not because of assignments and work, I just feel as though I want a bit more of excitement in my life. You know when you feel as though life is a little boring and you're sick of the same thing over and over again! Well that's what I've been feeling. I have no time to go out to do anything much fun, during the week that is. I did go to London last Saturday and it was fun for part of the day but I think that I do get bored too easily with the same kind of routine. Or maybe just being around the same faces. I know it sounds mean, but I'm not sure whether any of you feel like that at times? Where you want a little change. Sick of your same on going routine of the week.

I haven't been anywhere near blogger or bloglovin' because there hasn't been much time to put my full attention to it. I don't like to write in a rush you see.

So this weeks 'Thankful Thursday' entails

Tour of the BBC in London.

Bringing my little cousin to the Disney store for the first time.

Sending letters to my Mummy and receiving little notes in return.

Starting the February photo challenge on Instagram with my friend Lauren in College... "Hi Lauren, if your reading :)"

Helpful wages and tips.

Sharing carrot cake in Starbucks.... sounding a bit strange, Haa.

Hanging out with different groups of friends, because I like to be a nomad. Making friends with everyone.

Resolving issues.

Huge Galaxy Bar... seriously huge!

I do hope with having this week off from College that I'll be able to catch up on everything. It's such an amazing feeling knowing that starting tomorrow is half-term. I'll be heading to Psychology and then straight to the airport. Flying back home to Ireland for the week.

Thanks everyone for reading, especially as I have deserted ye in the last while. You know how it can be :)

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