Thursday, 28 November 2013

Thankful Thursday

Hubba Hubba :)
'ow you all doin'?

I am actually trying to recall what happened this week. They are going by so fast; I feel as though I'm in that movie, 'Groundhog Day'. The week was though it had all happened before.
What a 'Thankful Thursday' this will be. Imagine if I remembered nothing at all, "Well this week I pretty much..... ahhh... well there was this and that.... so.... anyway, I hope you enjoyed that." :) Sounds like something I'd do anyway.

Credit: 'Pinterest'

My 'Thankful Thursday' of which I can remember:

1) Lindor chocolates, which I won in College... a bit over-competitive, but what the heck! I loved having a buzzer where it 'mooed'. Yeah, farm animal buzzers in a quiz... nothing can top that off!

2) New Instagram buddy :)

3) Morrisons... Terrys Chocolate... my fave!

4) Red John episode in 'The Mentalist'.

5) 'Casanova'.

6) Swimming with my little cousin.

7) Skype chats with family and besty pal.

8) Naps after College, planning on taking one after writing this.

9) Getting compliments at work... Awwww!

10) Organizing flight for Mauritius with family for 20 days...

11) Organizing expenses for Christmas.

12) Having the giggles in College.

13) Bastille - Of The Night

I hope all of you had a lovely week. Did ye do anything eventful? Any songs or movies to recommend?

Thanks everyone for keeping up with this somewhat disappointing information about myself, maybe next week there will be a little more that I can remember :)

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